Vehicle Ergonomics Training

Truck drivers and machine operators have a curious statistic – they have a higher than average incidence of back pain, knee injuries and angle sprains. Of course, injuries are caused by many factors, but it’s clear that the physical demands of climbing in and out play a role in slips and falls and that sustained sitting is linked to back pain.

Training is conducted one-on-one at the truck or machine taking around 15 minutes per worker.

Training involves:

  • iOS technology to monitor joint loading during climbing in/out of cabin and on/off trailer,
  • Video playback to observe access and egress technique,
  • Sitting posture, seating adjustments and cabin ergonomics.
  • Workers are trained in optimal climbing technique and seating adjustments.
  • They are also trained in a basic machine audit looking at tread height, tread grip, handles, lighting and more.

Video and joint loading measures are taken before and after the short education session and workers see immediate feedback on their improved ergonomics performance. Use of technology has proven to be an effective way of engaging workers, particularly when their performance inevitably becomes a competition!

Refer to Leanne Loch (2016) Establishing the presence (or absence) of vehicle risk factors in MSDs