
Many business people and even safety professionals are unsure what to do about manual tasks and injury prevention. Take our questionnaire to identify how your business is tracking and whether you are meeting your duty holder obligations.

Our workers are encouraged to report discomfort and/or injuries?

When a worker reports pain, our business implemented an early intervention process to follow?
Our prospective employees undergo pre-employment functional assessment, not only medical assessment.
Our business has a job dictionary which lists the physical demands and risks for each role.
Office workstation assessments are conducted at induction into our business and at periodic intervals?
At our workplace, all staff participate in identifying hazardous manual tasks. Our staff are familiar with PErforM (participative ergonomics for manual tasks).
A manual tasks audit has been performed at our workplace.

Following identification of a hazardous manual task, our safety advisors or managers consult with workers to assess the risk using PErforM or ManTRA.

A manual task risk assessment is completed each time a new work process or plant is introduced to our business, and whenever a worker/s report concerns about a task?
Ergonomic assessment of vehicles and mobile plant is a routine part of procurement in our workplace?

Your score is

Your business may be failing to meet legislative obligations for the prevention and management of workplace injury. You may or may not be providing a safe workplace, you simply don’t know. There is significant opportunity to improve the health, wellness and productivity of your workforce. We would love to help you. Call or email to arrange an obligation-free chat at your workplace or ours, about how Back on Track can assist.

Your score is

Your business is making a concerted effort to manage and prevent workplace injury. There are still a few gaps in your systems and there is opportunity to improve the health, wellness and productivity of your workforce. Call or email to arrange an obligation-free chat at your workplace or ours, about how Back on Track can assist.

Your score is

Well done, you are on track! You have systems for the management and prevention of workplace injury. You know your hazards and most have been well-controlled. Even still, there opportunity to improve the health, wellness and productivity of your workforce. Call or email to arrange an obligation-free chat at your workplace or ours, about how Back on Track can assist.

Not happy with your score? Think you can do better?

Call or email to arrange an obligation-free chat at your workplace about how Back on Track can help you.